SuperProPoker278 SuperProPoker
  • Texas Hold'em
  • Omaha
  • SNG

Texas hold 'em is the most popular variation of the card game of poker. Two cards, known as hole cards, are dealt face down to each player, and then five community cards are dealt face up in three stages with A standard deck of 52 cards.

No Limit

There is no limit for all the bet of poker in SuperProPoker,that is to say, during the bet procedure each round, there is no maximum amount of betting, but there is a minimum amount, it should be one large blind amount at least. Players can place all bets anytime Positions


Seats are important in Texas poker. Players should remember their position before the game starting

Banker: Every hand accompanied with a banker's position. The location of the banker determines the location of the small blind bet and the large blind bet. The button of banker’s seat passes clockwise after each hand. Logo: D

Small Blind bet: Players next to the left side of the banker must make place small blind bet Logo: S

Big Blind bet: Refers to the player on the left side of the small Blind bet. The amount of large blind bet is the same as the minimum bet amount Logo: B


Check: Complete your turn without betting.

Bet: Put more money into the pool to win more pool bonus.

Raise: Tell your opponent that your card is strong.

Call: Keep up with your opponent's bets

Allin: Bet with all your remaining chips

Fold: Pack cards and give up any amount you have bet


Showdown is the last part of a hand. The remaining players in the game show their cards to compare whose bottom and public cards make up the best card type and The owner should be the winner The showdown occurred after the last round of bets. If they have the same lever cards after showdown, the player equalizes the bottom pool.

In the above case, Tom won

Omaha is a variation of Texas poker, available for 2-10 players. The difference is that each player initially gets four cards instead of As the game progresses, five public cards will be issued.

Omaha must and can only be formed by using two cards in hand and public cards, not more or less, it is very different with Texas poker

Pot Limit

Pot Limit is a kind of betting structure, the amount of betting must be less than or equal to it. Pot Limit of Omaha is an Omaha game with this betting structure


Seats are important in Texas poker. Players should remember their position before the game starting

Banker: Every hand accompanied with a banker's position. The location of the banker determines the location of the small blind bet and the large blind bet. The button of banker’s seat passes clockwise after each hand. Logo: D

Small Blind bet: Players next to the left side of the banker must make place small blind bet Logo: S

Big Blind bet: Refers to the player on the left side of the small Blind bet. The amount of large blind bet is the same as the minimum bet amount Logo: B


Check: Complete your turn without betting.

Bet: Put more money into the pool to win more pool bonus.

Raise: Tell your opponent that your card is strong.

Call: Keep up with your opponent's bets

Allin: Bet with all your remaining chips

Fold: Pack cards and give up any amount you have bet


Showdown is the last part of a hand. The remaining players in the game show their cards to compare whose bottom and public cards make up the best card type and The owner should be the winner The showdown occurred after the last round of bets. If they have the same lever cards after showdown, the player equalizes the bottom pool.

In the above case, Tom won


SNG, is sit and go, is a form of contest for Texas poker. It can start without a specific time when all the seats are coompleted

Each player's initial chips are the same, and over time the level of blind bet will gradually increase.

Players will be eliminated after losing all their chips and will not be allowed to participate in the SNG competition again.

At the end of the competition, bonus will be awarded according to the final ranking.


SNG's entry fee consists of basic entry fee and service fee.

Entry fees are all rolled into the pool, and service fees are charged by the system.

Reward details

Players winners Champion Second Third
9 3 Pool50% Pool30% Pool20%
9 3 Pool50% Pool30% Pool20%
6 2 Pool65% Pool35%
2 1 Pool100%